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Gracious Words | Nov. 7th

" Let your speech always be gracious,.... "

Colossians 4:6

Beloved, the challenge of this verse is that we are surrounded by people with a sinful nature, such as ourselves. Even the redeemed of the Lord still need to put off the old nature daily. There is strife from within and from without. Therefore, we need such a reminder to have our words guided by a gracious spirit.

Only the Holy Spirit can bear such fruit within our lives, enabling us to be gentle and kind. To demonstrate patience and a willingness to forgive. This attribute must be prayerfully considered and aimed for through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

May the Lord help us this day to show His lovingkindness towards those around us, and may our speech always be gracious.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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