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Guidance | March 4th

"Make me to know your ways, O Lord; teach me your paths."

Psalm 25:4

Beloved, if we are willing, God is able and willing to guide us. We do not have to navigate this life on our own. The Lord receives the plea for instruction. He delights in giving wisdom. Will we humble ourselves in asking for His guidance?

It is difficult for us at times to be teachable. To acknowledge that we need help and are dependent upon others. Do not neglect the hope we have in Christ or the benefit of His guidance. The word of God has been given unto us so that we might have wisdom. So we would know the righteousness of God and His ways.

Scripture can help us throughout our lives and in every season. Turn to the Lord today in prayer and the Bible. From the word of God, you will find guidance and peace for the day.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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