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Healing the Backslider | Jan.25th

"I will heal their apostasy; I will love them freely, "

Hosea 14:4

Beloved, let us be encouraged today for the salvation of those we love and constantly bring before the Lord. We often worry about the condition of their hearts. We wonder what we can do to convince them of their need for Christ. We sometimes feel as though we have failed or made the situation worse.

We wonder what will take for them to surrender to God. We call on people to pray for these we are burdened for. Write prayer request cards and have their names constantly on our hearts.

God has shown us mercy. He saved us by His grace alone. God is working by His Spirit upon their hearts as well. The Lord alone can heal the backslidden heart. He can make it flesh again. He can break up the fallow ground to receive the seed. God in love heals the backslider from their condition of sin. Trust Him to do it.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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