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Help | Jan. 2nd

" Hold me up...."

Psalm 119:117

Prayers with few words but in deep conviction are accepted by God. You do not have to be a theologian or an eloquent person to catch the ear of the Lord. The child who comes to God in sincerity with limited vocabulary and doctrinal understanding, is received at the throne of grace.

Do not add to your anxiety, beloved, wondering if God hears you or if you are exhausted beyond the ability to speak clearly to Him. He knows what you need. The Lord understands what you are facing today. That in the middle of your trial, you desire to be held up. To have the hand of God and His mercy keep you.

Your simple cry for help has come before Him. The Lord will not turn you away or leave you alone. In this present moment, the grace of God is and will continue to keep you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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