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Help Us | April 30th

"O Lord, there is none like you to help, between the mighty and the weak. Help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on you, "

  2 Chronicles 14:11

   The prayer is simple, the plea genuine, God help. It will not take many eloquent words to catch the attention of our Lord. God is attentive to the cry of His people. It is His nature to have compassion upon us. This does not mean we are exempt from trials, persecutions, and burdens. But through them all, He is with us.

  We choose to trust in the Lord, coming to Him in prayer. Let us acknowledge our need for God's help. He helps the weak. The needy and defenseless can rely upon the Lord's divine intervention on their behalf. God works things for the good of our salvation, even that which appears to be against us. The Lord will not abandon us in our difficult hour. He will minister grace and peace unto us. None can and will help like our Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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