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Hidden | March 21st

"hide me in the shadow of your wings, "

Psalm 17:9

There is no other place we would rather be than in the shadow of God's protection. The Psalmist acknowledges his dread, the fear that brings despair, but he appeals to God's lovingkindness. Where shall we go when the storms of life come? How will you handle the circumstances that take your peace away?

We could try and build our shelter of protection. We could turn to others as fragile as ourselves or try to ignore what is upsetting. None of these options are sufficient. We can make things worse when we take it into our hands alone.

Today, may we cast our cares and ourselves upon the Lord. Ask the Lord to hide you beneath the shadow of His power, faithfulness, goodness, and love. There is no shame in coming to the Creator of heaven and earth. He knows our frame, what we can and cannot handle. God is with you, and though this verse is a prayer request. The reality is that we are hidden in Christ Jesus already. In Him, you are hidden in the shadow of the Almighty, and the Spirit of God lives in you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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