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Humble Hearts | Feb. 9th

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God..."

1 Peter 5:6

There is no better position than humility to take in the morning before the Lord and than to ask Him for the grace to abide in a spirit of humility.

We do well in quietly submitting to His will and patiently bearing through any trials that may come our way. Trust that God is working everything for the good of our salvation. It may be hard to see and believe in every circumstance that everything is working to that end, but we can trust the Lord in all things.

The posture of humility should be expressed towards one another daily as well. It is there that pride is crucified. We learn to bear with one another and to forgive as the Lord has dealt with us. Only in light of the cross and by the working of the Holy Spirit will the human heart be brought into humility. Let us seek to humble ourselves under the mighty hand of God today because He has been merciful unto us, sinners saved by grace alone.

In Christ alone,

Pastor Wight

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