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Hungry | March 7th

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."

Matthew 5:6

Hunger and thirst are the most basic needs. These desires compel us through each day to be satisfied. We would not suffer from thirst for very long before we seek refreshing, and the pangs of hunger equally call us to be gratified. Daily food and water bring life to us. How much more should we be aware of our spiritual hunger?

May our souls truly hunger and thirst for righteousness. As our physical bodies call for daily sustenance, let our spirit yearn for righteousness. The life born of the Holy Spirit begins to hunger for the word of God. It longs for the refresh that comes from God's presence and truth.

The blessing is that this desire the Lord will fulfill. A hungry life He will not turn away. Christ beckons the weary and thirsty to come unto Himself, promising they shall be satisfied. Come this day, beloved. The Lord shall fill you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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