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I Can't See | Nov.20th

" Though you have not seen him, you love him. Though you do not now see him, you believe in him..."

1 Peter 1:8

Peter was encouraging the Christians who had never seen Christ as he did. They did not have the opportunity to physically see the Lord, witness His miracles, or hear His teaching personally. However, they loved Christ and believed in Him.

To this day, the children of God do not see Him now, but they believe in Him and love Him. Sometimes, suffering keeps us from seeing the Lord. Faith struggles to see God's goodness or faithfulness in a present circumstance. We strain to identify traces of God's mercy, but there is nothing to behold, even to the eye of faith.

There in the darkness, by God's grace, we still believe. Even when we cannot see, we love Him. The Spirit of God bears witness with our hearts, and we continue to love and trust the Lord. The Lord will help you to love Him and believe in Him today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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