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I Will Answer / Oct. 4th

" Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear."

Isaiah 65:24

Beloved, what hope we have this day in knowing that there is not one good thing the Lord will withhold from His children. He knows the needs in your life. God is willing and able to bless you with all that is according to His good will for your life. All that is needed, for godliness, shall be yours in Christ. Your Father is watching over you. His providence is at work long before your request.

Take courage in knowing that the Lord hears you. Not one word or sigh has gone unheard. There is not a tear that He has not seen. The Lord will extend mercy to you. He will see you through. So be encouraged to lay your burden before the Lord. He will not turn you away.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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