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In Trouble | Oct. 18th

"Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress."

Psalm 107:6

Are you in trouble, beloved? Is there distress in your heart? There are perplexing moments in our lives that are hard to understand, even for the child of God who is trying to trust the Lord.

We know what scripture has told us about the faithfulness of God. We believe that He can do all things. We trust in His providence. We believe we are in His will. Yet, there is trouble.

Be not dismayed. Cry out to the Lord in your trouble. He will be faithful to deliver you from your distress. He has promised not to forsake you and to finish the good work that He has begun in your life. The Lord will make His grace sufficient in your moments of weakness. Continue to trust that nothing will separate you from His lovingkindness in Christ.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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