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It Will Be Clear | Jan 26th

"Now I know in part; then I shall know fully,"

1 Corinthians 13:12

We know that salvation belongs to God. We believe we are redeemed in Christ and that our salvation is secure in Him because of being sealed by the Holy Spirit.

But the ways of God at times remain lofty. We do not always understand how His providence works within our lives or the mystery of prayer. He remains beyond our comprehension. Heaven and the new earth are seen dimly through our minds, though renewed by the word of God. There is much to find hope, peace, and joy in what we know through God's word. There remains perplexity, doubts, and fears at other times.

The day will come when the veil is removed from our minds. Our hearts will fully believe. All that we hoped for, we shall behold with our eyes. The questions concerning His providence will be answered, and we shall see how God worked everything for our good. Trust in the Lord despite your questions.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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