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Jesus Suffered | Sep. 19th

"Christ also suffered for you."

1 Peter 2:21

Beloved, if you are suffering today, be not dismayed. The Lord has bared our iniquity and sorrows. The Lord suffered for us, and His love for us is steadfast. He will not permit you to endure alone.

God has promised to comfort His people, to supply mercy for each new day. His grace will prove to be sufficient amid sorrow and pain. The peace He provides is unexplainable at times. Though the burden is heavy, there is deep reassurance of God's love for us when we look to the cross and think about how much our Savior endured for us.

Look to the Lord amid your tears and recall the tears of Christ the Redeemer in the garden. Recall how He was willing to take the cup we could not bear. Christ suffered because He loves you, and nothing can separate you from Him.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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