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Justified | June 14th

" For all of have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,.."

Romans 3:23

Beloved, all of us have experienced the reality of outgrowing something. We outgrew clothes as a child. Things that used to amuse us no longer do as we mature. We grow and move on in many different ways throughout a lifetime.

There is one thing we will never outgrow or add to in this life. We will never add to the justification that Christ attained for us. Though we continue to advance in our faith, we can never become more justified than the day Christ redeemed us from our sins. We do not mean we cease turning from sin or pursuing a holy life.

We must understand that as sinners who have fallen short of the glory of God, we can never reach Him by our righteousness, no matter how long we have been saved. The perfect righteousness of Christ has justified us. We stand in this justification from the moment of salvation into eternity. It is the justification of Christ that has put us in the right standing with God. It is sufficient in itself. We cannot add anything to it.

This is our peace and joy today. Relish in the gift of grace.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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