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Kindness | May 17th

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you."

  Ephesians 4:32

   It is the kindness of God toward us that enlighten us on how to be kind to others.

   The kindness of the Lord is steadfast. He is not fickle but consistent. We do not have to wonder if the Lord will cease being kind toward His own. Each day, we are benefactors of His mercy.

   God is no respecter of persons in showing kindness. Every child of God shares in the kindness of God and should fully expect to experience it.

    The kindness of God is expressed through His patience. The Lord has been longsuffering with us and willing to forgive the penitent heart.

     May we emulate the kindness of the Lord towards others in this same way. Let us be patient with every person. Willing to forgive a wrong. Consistent in kindness as the Holy Spirit enables us. God has been kind to us in Christ. Let us be Christ-like with others.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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