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Listen | Sep. 10th

"Incline your ear, and come to me; hear, that your soul may live; and I will make with you an everlasting covenant, "

Isaiah 55:3

Do you enjoy windchimes? There is one hanging in a Dogwood tree in our yard. It has a beautiful low tone that is pleasant to the ear. Sometimes, it can be heard from within the house. But you must know it is there and incline your ear to listen to its beautiful melody.

God is ever speaking unto us and calling us to Himself. What the Lord desires to share is the most beautiful thing we have ever heard. Nothing could compare to the merciful invitation from God. He beckons us to incline our ears to Him so that we might live.

Beloved, quiet your heart today and listen to the Lord through His word. The Holy Spirit will make the word of God alive to you, and He desires to make an everlasting covenant with you in Christ. He is still calling to the weary and thirsty. Will you come?

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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