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Looking Ahead | Feb. 14th

"After this I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven!

Revelation 4:1

The Apostle Paul saw Paradise but was never permitted to write about what he witnessed. John the beloved saw the door of heaven standing open and shared glorious things that he heard and witnessed. Still, one can only imagine what is beyond the open door.

John was trying to describe what could not be fully articulated. Our finite minds cannot fully grasp the full glory of God, His majesty, and his awesome presence. Heaven and the new earth are a mystery yet offering hope for what is yet to come. Scripture tells us that what is awaiting us far outweighs anything here.

So we travel as strangers in this world with an eye always looking towards the door standing open unto us in Christ. We hope to cross into the beautiful haven of rest, where we will see our Lord and all those who have gone on before us. It is a beautiful land that has no darkness or pain. May the open door encourage you to live another day for the glory of God as you press onward.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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