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Meek | March 6th

" Blessed are the meek, "

Matthew 5:5

Meekness is not easily provoked or disturbed by every insult or injury. It is patient but does not give up one's rights or is cowardly. Meekness is long-suffering, willing to forgive, and not vengeful.

There are times when we will have to assert our rights. But we do not do it at the expense of others. Meekness entrusts the outcome of every injury unto the Lord. Jesus works all things out for the good of our salvation.

The meek live as peaceably as they can with others. A meek heart cannot be easily disturbed with every little insult. It shows restraint and is not easily provoked. Only the Holy Spirit can work such grace in our hearts. Let us ask the Lord to give us humble hearts so that we are meek and demonstrate His lovingkindness.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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