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Mercy | July 8th

"For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, "

Hebrews 8:12

It is a blessing that the Lord does not deal with us as our sins deserve. He is merciful toward the penitent heart, those who humble themselves before Him, seeking forgiveness and grace.

Let us never grow accustomed to the mercy that is ours in Christ. Reconciliation unto God is a privilege and the benefit of His mercy in our lives. Hopefully, we have experienced the forgiveness of others and the sense of relief when a wrong has been made right.

The forgiveness of God grants us a peace that is beyond description. A joyful assurance fills our hearts with the peace of knowing God is with us. As we have received such mercy, may we demonstrate the same compassion towards others. Let us be quick to forgive and keep no records of wrong. Love others as Christ has loved you today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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