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Neglect | April 8th

"How shall we escape if we neglect such a great salvation?"

Hebrews 2:3

There are various forms of neglect. What we neglect and to what extent something is neglected can cause severe consequences. A home will begin to deteriorate if it is not well maintained. Machinery will cease to operate if it is not frequently serviced. Relationships, our physical health, and emotional well-being can suffer if neglected.

Nothing will suffer more or have graver consequences than the soul that neglects the Gospel message. It is paramount that we do not neglect such a great salvation. This does not come just in the form of some overt sin but can also happen by the gradual neglect of quiet time with the Lord.

It is incumbent upon us to read the word of God, take it to heart, and put into practice that which we have heard and read. Beloved, let us seek the Lord through scripture today. So that we might grow in the grace and knowledge of Him. No other book has the message or the power to bring eternal life.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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