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Never Alone | September 18, 2023

"Behold, the Lord God helps me; who will declare me guilty?" -Isaiah 50:9

Beloved, do you need help today? There was a time when we were alienated from God and without hope in this world. Then Christ came and reconciled us unto the Father through His sacrifice. This assures us of peace within our hearts. There is not a person or spiritual being that can condemn you if the Lord has forgiven you. The Spirit of the Lord continues His work of transformation within us. We awake each day to a living hope in Christ that God is not against us but for us. With this comes the anticipation of His will fulfilled in our lives and the promise that God Himself will never forsake us. The unceasing love of the Lord affirms He will help us today. You are not alone, dear one. God is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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