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Never Forgotten | April 9th

"The Lord has remembered us; he will bless us."

Psalm 115:12

Our minds may be distracted, and we tend to forget things. But the Lord is omniscient, and He can't forget. The Psalmist uses an expression we can relate to and are often tempted to believe. When we think that God has forgotten us. He will never forget you, beloved.

God knows you by name and is aware of your circumstances. He is willing and able to bless you. The Lord has promised to never forsake you and finish the good work He has begun in you. God is also working all things for the good of your salvation. He has also promised that nothing can separate you from the unceasing lovingkindness of God.

God remembers you, and He will bless you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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