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New Song | September 8, 2023

"They sang a new song..." -Revelation 5:9

We all have our favorite hymn or a song of worship that usher us into a deep sense of the glory of the Lord. Worship is established upon sound theology and doctrines of truth. They are penned by what we have known from scripture and observed in life. Songwriting also comes by way of experience. God helps us through difficult circumstances, and we come to know Him more deeply. The word of God becomes illuminated unto us in such an experience. This verse speaks of a new song in heaven. Let us ponder the reality and beauty of new songs yet to come to our ears. We see through a glass dimly. What we sing, though based on the word of God, is still limited by our finite minds.

One day, we shall behold the glory of God and understand the magnitude of our salvation like never before. One can only wonder what songs of worship shall erupt from the depths of our souls, captivated with the holiness of God and the splendor of His redeemed creation. Lift your voice today in anticipation of what is yet to come. God is worthy to be praised and adored, now and forever more.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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