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No Longer in the Dark | April 4th

" those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has the light shone."

Isaiah 9:2

The mercy of God came when His light fell upon our dead souls. We were captive in the darkness of our iniquity. In bondage within the dominion of the evil one. Without hope in this world and powerless to save ourselves.

Chris the Redeemer came to set the captive free. The Light of Him shone upon us, dispelling darkness and breaking the bonds of our transgressions. Christ atoned for our sins and has purchased us for Himself. We now belong to God and have been translated into His kingdom.

The light of hope within the Gospel has freed our spirits, supplying peace each day with the anticipation of His faithful preservation and provision. God is with you today, beloved. His light continues to shine upon you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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