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No Mercy | April 19th

"I will have mercy on No Mercy, and I will say to Not My People,' You are my people'; and he shall say, ' You are my God.' "

  Hosea 2:23

Beloved, we could be named No Mercy and Not My People if it were not for God's grace. We were the enemies of God, estranged from Him and without hope in this world. Our iniquity deserved no mercy. Because of our transgressions, we could not be numbered among God's people or declared one of His children.

  Then Christ came and died for the ungodly. Those whom God chose, Christ redeemed with His life. We who were not the people of God are now God's people because of the remission of our sins and the new birth in Christ. Mercy was imputed by Christ to those who had no mercy.

  In repentance, we now exclaim that the Lord is our God. We belong to Him, and He belongs to us. Acknowledging that the chief end of our lives is to live for the glory of God and to enjoy Him forever as His people. Those who had no mercy are now called the people of God.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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