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Nothing to Dread | Oct. 24th

" I am the Lord who practices steadfast love,.."

Jeremiah 9:24

Beloved, what is consistent about your nature? What are you known for? Do people see you as wise, intelligent, kind, moody, or easily provoked? What trait is consistent about you?

Amazingly, God is known for the steadfastness of His love. This is humbling because no one deserves God's love or His unceasing kindness toward us.

The Lord declares and proves the steadfastness of His love daily. God has given us the exalted example of this Love in Christ. For while we were dead in sin, Jesus died for us and is our mediator today. Though we doubt, stumble, and fail, the Lord has not forsaken us. God practices unceasing love for His people. Because of this, there is nothing to dread.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight


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