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Obedience Over Opinion | Sep. 25th

"Redeem me from man's oppression, that I may keep your precepts."

Psalm 119:134

Many of us have not experienced physical oppression or opposition. But mental oppression is probably experienced more than we would like to admit.

We often care too much about what others think of us or how they look at us. The Psalmist is considering this in light of his faith. To this day, Christians struggle with what others think about their faith and what God may be asking them to do. We wonder how they will receive what we say or do rather than dwelling upon pleasing the Lord.

Let us seek the Lord for liberty in our minds so that we may be more focused on what pleases the Lord and then do that. Do not worry about how it will be perceived by others. Serve Christ in boldness, freedom, love, and wisdom. Keep the precepts of God above the opinion of others.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight


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