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One Step | Feb 5th

"He will guide the feet of the faithful ones,..

for not by might shall a man prevail."

1 Samuel 2:9

Balance, agility, strength, and observation of what is before us give the assurance of stepping forward. Physically, we accomplish this with regular ease except if we are injured or lacking in any of these areas. Moving forward in life and by faith is not as easy.

Tomorrow or the events of the day are unsure. Circumstances often deplete our strength and faith. The confidence we once had is replaced with uncertainty, and our spiritual equilibrium is off-set.

We recover and continue to persevere in knowing that God guides our feet. He knows our lives from beginning to end. The Lord is providentially working, and everything is working for the good of our salvation. We will finish the race set before us not because of our strength but because His grace is sufficient. We prevail because Christ has prevailed on our behalf. This is our hope and assurance for today. Trust the Lord.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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