"The Lord opened her heart."
Acts 16:14
Beloved, do not grow weary in praying for the lost. Perhaps you have prayed for years to see someone come to the Lord. You have shared your faith, given tracks, and blessed individuals with a Bible. However, you still have not witnessed a response. Maybe it is your family member, a child you raised in church, a grandchild you faithfully pray for who has not proclaimed faith in Christ.
Remember that the Lord opens the heart to hear His word. God is the one who breaks up the stony ground and softens the heart. What is impossible with man is possible with God. We cannot convince or save those we long to see in church serving the Lord.
As Christ called us, He is calling them. The Holy Spirit will open their hearts. He took our heart of stone and made it flesh. Christ can still open people's hearts as He calls them by name. Remain faithful and trust the Lord for those you bring before Him. Today could be the day of salvation.
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Wight