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Out of the Pit | April 29th

"You brought my life from the pit, O Lord my God."

  Jonah 2:6

   The pit of sin and despair is bottomless. No one could ever free themselves from this pit of death. God's merciful hand alone had to reach us, taking hold and lifting us from the wages of sin and death.

    The gracious hand of God still holds you to this day, beloved. He has promised that nothing in this world shall ever be able to pluck you from the hand of God.

    The Lord keeps you, loves you, and watches over you this day. He who lifted you from the pit into the hope of eternal life will continue to keep you. Do not be anxious for today or tomorrow. If the Lord helped you when you were powerless and alienated from Him. How much more now will the grace of God be extended to you because you belong to Him?

   Your position in Christ is sure and steadfast.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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