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Paradise Awaits | Aug. 5th

"Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise."

Luke 23:43

Have you ever wondered about heaven? Recently, we were on a road trip that included several states and required days to travel. On the last day of our journey home, we experienced all forms of weather. It started as a dismal and overcast morning, eventually giving way to some sun. Then it poured rain. We continued to travel, and there was more sun and rain again.

Life can resemble this in many ways. The longer you travel, the more you experience in life as changing seasons. There are times of comfort and peace, but then we face trials and storms. These circumstances flow into one another over and over again.

On this last day of our journey, in the early evening, we experienced something I will never see again. Rainbow after rainbow began to appear. The more we drove, the more rainbows we saw. Some were half rainbows, while others were full, stretching across the sky. Three different times, we observed double rainbows. It was truly an amazing experience.

When we enter Paradise on the day the Lord calls us home, we will be overwhelmed by what we see. In this life, we will experience all forms of circumstances but in the end, we will be ushered into the glorious hope of heaven. The sweet presence of God shall wipe all of our tears away and even the fairest things of this world will fade away in the light of His glory.

Travel on dear one, heaven awaits.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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