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Patient in Tribulation | Feb. 21st

" Be patient in tribulation."

Romans 12:12

It is difficult to be patient. It is more challenging to be patient while in tribulation. No one likes to go through trying times. We try to avoid them and get quickly through them the best that we can.

However, scripture tells us that they are a part of our life. We are not to see tribulation as a strange occurrence, but we should be patient through it. How can one be patient in tribulation?

"Be constant in prayer. " Are the next words to follow "Be patient in tribulation." This is the only way we can patiently endure if we look to our Father and follow the example of Christ. The Holy Spirit will give us the grace and power. We also have the assurance that God is working all things for the good of our salvation. He will not harm us but help us through our lives until He calls us unto Himself.

Be patient today, beloved. Trust that God is with you and remain constant in prayer.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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