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Plant Righteousness | March 18th

"Tell the righteous it shall be well with them, for they shall eat the fruit of their deeds."

Isaiah 3:10

It is green-up time! With the recent nice weather, I am sure many of us have taken advantage of working in the yard. Soon, farmers will be cultivating and planting their crops. People will be planting their vegetable gardens and flower beds. Hoping to receive a harvest from what they planted. The goal is to fill a flower bed with beautiful flowers rather than weeds. A garden full of fresh edible produce rather than thorns and thistles.

Similarly, the righteous should also anticipate the blessings of God upon their lives. If we sow to the spirit the things of God, we should anticipate a harvest of righteousness. Trials will come, and opposition will come for living for God. But the Lord will sustain His people and receive them unto Himself. At the end of the ages, no one will ever regret living for the Lord. Live for the Lord today.

In Christ Alone.

Pastor Wight

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