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Prayer | Feb. 28th

"I give myself to prayer."

Psalm 109:4

Beloved, what have you given yourself unto? There are many things in this life that we can pursue. Ways in which one can cultivate their mind and body. There are pleasures to obtain and investments that yield dividends for the labor involved. Some of these are disciplines of responsibility. Some things we give ourselves to are for leisure or mere pleasure.

Prayer is one of the most significant things we can give ourselves to. It has benefits for our spirit and life now. It has rewards and fruit for this life and eternity. It never fails or is ineffectual in the life that is praying. It is never wasted time or useless. Prayer is not complicated, and the youngest child can participate.

It can be done alone or with others. Prayer is accomplished with no words or groans and thoughtful speech. It can take a moment in a genuine cry from the heart or last several hours. Prayer can take at any given place or time.

Thankfully, the Holy Spirit helps us in prayer, even when we do not know what to pray, and most of all, God hears our prayer.

Let us give ourselves to prayer today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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