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Ready to Forgive | Feb. 19th

"You are a God ready to forgive, gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love, and did not forsake them."

Nehemiah 9:17

Beloved, what is holding you back from coming to God? Why will you continue in your sin? How long shall you stay away from the One who loved you first? How far will you stray from the only way that leads to everlasting life?

Condemnation keeps you from the mercy of God. The conviction of the Holy Spirit convinces you of your need for Christ. God is ready to forgive you. He will strengthen your wandering feet and set them in the right direction. He will renew the heart prone to wander and create the right spirit within you.

Be grateful for and do not forsake the One who is slow to anger. God heals our backsliding and saves the sinner by grace alone. The Lord will not permit us to remain as we are, but He is faithful to save us and to complete the good work He began.

Do not delay. Hear the Spirit of God calling you to come home. The Lord is holy and righteous. He is also gracious and merciful. Suffer no more in your own will and surrender unto Christ. God is ready to forgive.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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