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Remain Steadfast | Oct.23rd

"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

1 Corinthians 15:58

The act of remaining steadfast, can only be achieved if we are reminded not to do things in our strength and if we have hope beyond ourselves. Paul exhorts fellow believers in Corinth to be steadfast. The encouragement to remain steadfast should indicate that there will be times when we will need such reminders.

The work of the Lord is supernatural. Something that the Holy Spirit enables us to do. It is why we must not rely upon ourselves but look to the Spirit of God to empower us. To guide and comfort us as we endeavor to do the work of the Lord.

With the Spirit's aid, we will still face fatigue or frustration. We should encourage ourselves that nothing done for the Lord is in vain. Fruit is not always immediately seen. Some things will have to wait for the revelation of eternity. Only then will we see the full scope of what the Lord accomplished through what we may see now as small or significant.

Therefore, remain steadfast and hopeful in the Lord. Everything we do is

for the glory of the Lord.

" Soli Deo Gloria "

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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