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Resting in God | March 25th

"On God rests my salvation and my glory; my mighty rock, my refuge is God."

Psalm 62:7

There is no greater one than God to rest our souls upon. God alone is immutable, all other things and people change. He alone is eternal and unchanging. Therefore, we have assurance when we put our hope in the Lord. God is omnipotent and will never grow weary. He is a mighty rock and the hope of our salvation.

If you are overwhelmed today, put your trust in the Lord. He knows all things and is watching over you. You do not have to fear the day or what tomorrow holds. God holds all things in His hands.

Make the Lord your refuge today. Come to Him with your concerns and ask the Lord to be your helper. He will keep you and give you peace. Trust the Lord with all your heart and rest in His lovingkindness.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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