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Resting | Jan. 16th

" So then, there remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God,.."

Hebrews 4:9

Our heavenly Father graciously supplied unto us the gift of rest. The physical rest we seek when we are physically and emotionally tired. Within this natural gift from the Lord, the body rejuvenates and even heals itself. The mind can also find a renewed sense of peace after a period of rest.

The desire for a good night's rest lies within everyone. There is a tremendous amount of marketing aimed at this need. If this be true of our physical being, how much more do we need the rest offered unto our soul in Christ?

The people of God rest in redemption. They are reconciled to God, freed from sin and death, and have the hope of eternal life. In Christ, we have been born again and have a new life. This promise continually strengthens us and brings peace to our lives. We continually come to the Lord through His word and by prayer. Finding a refreshing that can only come from the Holy Spirit.

May you enter into the rest of the Lord today.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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