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Return to the Lord | April 23rd

"Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love." 

  Joel 2:13

   Beloved, be assured today that the Lord receives the penitent heart. The soul that humbles itself before God, seeking mercy through repentance, shall never be turned away. God will demonstrate His grace and the satin of sin removed.

  The adversary of our soul is an accuser. He will try to make you believe God's mercy is no more. The father of lies would have you think you exhausted God's patience. The Lord does not wink at our sins. He is slow to anger and will forgive genuine repentance. 

  God abounds in steadfast love towards His people. Faithful to finish the good work that He has begun in us. Rest assured today that the Lord is with you and will help in your pilgrimage in this world. 

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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