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Running to Finish | Sep. 23rd

" let us also lay aside every weight, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, "

Hebrews 12:1

There is a race set before us, beloved. One that every Christian must consider. We cannot enter this race unless we have been placed there by Christ Himself. Once we enter this race, we must run according to His will.

Christ is the reward and the one we are striving for. Just as an Olympian runs for the glory of their country, we should have the same desire. We compete as one who does not want to bring reproach to ourselves or shame to the Kingdom of God.

So we endure in the race. We are pressing forward as we lay aside anything that would embed our progress. The runner goes to great lengths to ensure nothing takes away from them completing or hindering them during the race. This requires intentional discipline and wise choices.

Let us consider the race set before us today. Choose to run in the race with God's power and godliness. Pressing towards the high calling in Christ with your eyes fixed on the eternal reward.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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