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Safe in the Hand of God | Sep. 16th

"He who vindicates me is near. Who will contend with me?"

Isaiah 50:8

Opposition is something that every living person has experienced. There is an adversary of our soul far more sinister and powerful than any other foe we have contended with.

The enemy we wrestle with is the father of all lies, an accuser of God's children who roams around like a lion seeking to devour. We would be afraid if we faced him in our strength and merit, but he is defeated.

Christ has crushed the head of the old serpent. The accusations against the elect of God are silenced. Because Christ has laid down His life for His people, their sins removed, and the righteousness of Christ imputed unto His own.

No charge can be brought against the child of God and stand. The Lord stands with His people and protects them. They belong to Him, and nothing can pluck the people of God from His hand. The Lord is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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