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Safe Sleep | September 15, 2023

"In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." -Psalm 4:8

Beloved, have you ever considered how vulnerable we are when we sleep? We live in a time when we can secure our homes in multiple ways; however, none of these precautions can guarantee nothing will happen. Our very well-being is within the hand of God. With everything secured around us, there is no assurance that we will awake in the morning. It is by God's mercy. Though this might be frightening, it is also a glimpse of the resurrection. Every morning could be considered a preparation for passing from this life into the next. We slip off to sleep only to be awakened again unto another day. There will come a day when we will close our physical eyes but for a moment only to be awakened by the glory of our Lord. The day will come when immortality will be our garment. We will dwell with the Lord forever and ever. Fear not; you dwell in safety.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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