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Secure in Christ | June 5th

"If God is for us, who can be against us?"

Romans 8:31

Heidelberg Catechism poses the question on the Lord's day, "What do you believe concerning the forgiveness of sins"? This is an important question to ponder. The answer is a glorious one to hold on to.

" I believe that God, because of Christ's satisfaction, will no longer remember any of my sins or my sinful nature which I need to struggle against all my life. Rather, by his grace God grants me the righteousness of Christ that I may never come into judgment."

We readily believe and accept that our past sins are forgiven. But do we acknowledge that same righteousness imputed to us in our present condition? Do we understand that God is for us today because of what Christ accomplished for us? We are standing in the righteousness of Christ, reconciled unto the Father in perfect peace, amid our struggle with the sinful nature.

It is from this position that we find joy for today and hope for tomorrow. Assured that God will never forsake us and finish the good work He started. Believe and hold to what Christ has accomplished for you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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