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Seed Snatcher | Sep. 26th

"Listen! Behold, a sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell along the path, and the birds came and devoured it.

The sower sows the word. And these are the ones along the path, where the word is sown: when they hear, Satan immediately comes and takes away the word that is sown in them."

Mark 4:3-4,14-15

Beloved, if you could imagine the parable of our Lord. You would envision a field and a sower, walking through freshly plowed ground but there is a path where the sower walks. Row by row the sower scatters the seed. The path is formed because the sower is present yet it cannot receive the seed for the birds of the air quickly devour it.

It is as if the path has become comfortable with the sower without the ability to receive the seed. This is an image not of the sinner outside the church but of the life who constantly hears the word of God without interest. The enemy quickly destroys what is sowed by the preacher because the person has no intention of taking to heart what God's word is saying. No thoughtful prayer, no intention to have it applied to daily living or to have it bear fruit in life.

Let us be diligent in hearing God's word and seek to have it applied to our daily lives. Resists the enemy and he will flee from you. The word of God will take root and bring life to your spirit.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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