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Sometimes Less is Better | Oct. 22nd

"Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble."

Proverbs 21:23

This proverb warns us of the commonality of opinions. With the rise of social media, there is a renewed need to diligently meditate upon the truth. The reality is not every thought we have needs to be shared. The comments we have frequently shared could be censored or kept ourselves.

There is an innate need to have our voice heard, our thoughts and inputs validated, and a need to tell others what should be done or how to accomplish it. Many well-intended opinions lead to trouble because of a lack of wisdom. Trouble comes because togues go untamed. Wisdom keeps the mouth restrained and humility helps timely words seasoned with grace.

Though trouble can lurk upon any tongue foolishly unguided, the Holy Spirit can help us to be mindful of others and to know when some things are better unsaid. Helping us to avoid trouble. May the Lord keep us from unnecessary trouble today by helping us keep our tongues.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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