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Sought For | Dec. 18th

They shall be called THe Holy People, The Redeemed of the Lord; and you shall be called Sought Out, A City not Forsaken.

Isaiah 62:12

This prophecy has no greater fulfillment than that which is in Jesus Christ. His life fulfills Old Testament prophecy, and His resurrection satisfies our souls.

Jesus is the good shepherd who has gone out to seek the lost lamb. The lamb is captivated by sin and broken. Estranged from God and without hope in this world. That lamb that was dead in sin Christ died for. We are called the Sought Out. A lost coin that was found and celebrated. The prodigal son welcomed with rejoicing.

In Christ, we are a people not forsaken, the sheep of His pasture. Those redeemed by the Lord and claimed as His own, this is our comfort today, beloved. The secure position we have in Him enables us to endure all things while trusting in His lovingkindness. You belong to God. He will not forsake you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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