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Specks and Logs | Jan 31st

"Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log in your own eye?"

Matthew 7:3

Have you ever asked someone if there was something in your eye? Your eye felt uncomfortable or in pain. It might have watered, or your vision blurred because the eye was irritated. Sometimes, it could be something as delicate as your eyelash or something more severe like metal shavings.

All of these things cause us to ask for help. The reality is we all have something in our eye. It could be a speck or a log. Human nature tends to notice the speck in another's eye without seeing the log in your own.

Specks and logs are like the stony places within the heart. We all need the foul ground of the heart to be broken up. Let us recognize our need for help to the point that we are uncomfortable with what is in our hearts as if our eyes were uncomfortable. We humble ourselves in seeking help when something is in our eye. Let us ask the Lord to help with what is in our hearts. God is willing and able.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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