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Spring Cleaning | April 24th

"Create in me a clean heart, O God."

  Psalm 51:10

   Spring clean up. It is that time of year when we begin to clean up the flower beds and debris from the winter. Removing all that is dead and hindering new growth. Recently, I discovered a tent stake in one of our flower beds left over from last summer's tent rental.

  Our hearts need tending to by the Lord in a divine way. The Spirit of God must perform a dramatic spring clean-up that transforms life. The Holy Spirit continues the work of sanctification within the believer. We must come to the Lord as the Psalmist, asking that He do such a work. The word of God must illuminate unto us those areas that need change.

   There may be something hindering us from new growth. Could an iron stake need to be removed from the flower bed of our spirit? Something that does not belong there or a hardened area of the heart that has carried over from a previously unresolved issue.

  Beloved, talk to the Lord today about the condition of your heart. He is the only one who can correctly discern what is needed and how to create a clean heart. You will find the Lord merciful and faithful. 

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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