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Stand Firm | April 21th

"The people who know their God shall stand firm and take action."

Daniel 11:32

The people of God have always stood as God's light in this world. The darkness has often tried to extinguish this light by force or by the subtle temptation to compromise. The Lord has promised to strengthen His people and to carry them through this spiritual warfare.

God will continue to enable His people to stand firm in the face of threats. His people are not in despair by the darkness of the age. Its chaos does not dismantle their faith. Christ is the cornerstone upon which they stand.

Because of this sure footing in Christ, they do exploits for the Lord. He is their portion, and the Spirit of God enables the people of God to continue forward. The light of the Lord shines through their everyday lives, and the enemy cannot snuff them out. For greater is He in the believer than the spirit of the age.

Hold firm today, beloved in the Lord. The battle belongs to God, and He will strengthen you for the day.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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