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Steadfast Love | Dec. 6th

" As for you, O Lord, you will not restrain your mercy from me: your steadfast love and faithfulness will ever preserve me! "

Psalm 40:11

There are times when all we have is a promise from God's word to hold to. It will not always be specific to tell us that a miracle will happen or that prayer will be answered, according to how or when we want it. But a promise about the nature of God.

This Psalm declares that God will not keep His mercy from us. He delights in showing us mercy. To have compassion upon us and to help our weary souls. The assurance that God is steadfast in His love for us gives us hope. That whatever is going on in our life, He is present and is at work.

We may not be able to see it, but He is faithful. In the end, it will be the unceasing lovingkindness and faithfulness of God that shall preserve us. Today and through all the days of our life. God loves you and is with you.

In Christ Alone,

Pastor Wight

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